What would happen if you hired a coach for a year? Learn MoreGet StartedFITZGERALD COACHING + consulting
Life Coach? That title is really a misnomer, if you ask me. Before I give you a better title, let me tell you a little about myself..
Life coaching is the act of empowering you to harness your dreams, goals, and aspirations. It is very hard to see yourself if you are in the frame. Life coaching is a collaboration between coach and client working together to discover your purpose, create a plan to pursue this purpose so you can exponentially grow your joy and happiness. Regardless of what your dreams and aspirations are, you are the only one that holds the key. The answers lie within you. You just need some assistance unlocking the door.
beth fitzgerald
Built on Beth’s trademark entertaining and witty storytelling and unique and straightforward approach to helping us see things in a new way, The Wake Up Call takes us through an entire calendar year of teachings on how we can confidently step forward in every aspect of our lives.


What do you want for 2022? Who do you want to be? Who were you meant to be? How are you going to get there? What will keep you on track for a FULL year?
The Wake Up Call Book Club is the like-minded community that you’ve been looking for. We are going to support each other through 2022! Each month we will connect on the 2nd Monday of the month, via Zoom, to discuss our goals and any struggles that have gotten in the way of our ultimate success! We will use the daily motivation within The Wake Up Call as our anchor to keep us focused on remaining motivated and producing results. Nothing is stopping us this year! Nothing!
Sign up today! I have decided that the best gift I can give you for joining this journey, outside of the journey itself, is to make it exceptionally affordable! So I have chosen $98 as the TOTAL cost for all 12 months! Now, what’s stopping you?
fitzgerald coaching + consulting
Leadership Masterclass
Becoming a great leader is an arduous task that requires never-ending dedication. No matter how good we become at leading, there will always be more to learn. Things will change and people will change, therefore the leader must change.
Leadership Tip:
82% of workers would consider quitting their jobs because of a bad manager. (Survey conducted by GoodHire in November 2022)
For this reason and many more, I have decided to create a private ongoing Leadership Masterclass community. The way we become great at leadership isn’t by taking a one-off seminar or class. We get great by continuously learning and growing our leadership skills amongst like-minded professionals who desire the same and can add value to our journey and us them. It’s the periodicity and the commitment that delivers the results we are all looking for.
- February 7th Improving Self-Confidence
- March 7th Personal Growth and Failing Forward
- April 11th The Art of Practicing Patience
** Classes will be held at 5 pm EST
beth fitzgerald coaching
Ways to Work Together
Do you want to get better results, be more successful, feel happier, feel more fulfilled, and be a better leader? Then maybe a coach is exactly what you need! Navigating the complicated challenges of personal growth and professional development without a coach isn’t easy. My goal is to help each client unlock all of their potential so they are happy, motivated, successful, and fulfilled.
It’s true—two heads are better than one. 1:1 mentoring provides the guidance and support necessary to navigate this challenging journey of personal and professional growth.
Women in Leadership
A program focused on maximizing your unique leadership strengths, to position yourself for career advancement, and to stand out as a great leader.
emerging leaders
A professional development program designed to fast-track your leadership skills.
Success Academy
A customized program focused on advancing your professional skill set to position you for optimal career growth.