
About a month ago I was invited out to lunch by a friend. He and I met through business and we continue to meet periodically to talk shop and catch up. We bounce from topic to topic and always run out of time before we do conversation. During this particular lunch, he...

Purpose and Fear

Do you know why roller coasters do not have individual brakes for each rider? Because they know we would apply them! Almost immediately actually. We know in advance the ride is going to be scary. We are (somewhat) comfortable with our decision to take the ride because...

Motivational Monday and Fear

A few years ago my daughter set a small tray of nachos on fire in our toaster oven. In an attempt to assess the situation, she opened the door, which made a small fire instantly much bigger. I came running into the kitchen to help. Fortunately, it was resolved quickly...

Time Managment

About a week ago I talked about my unhealthy connection to my phone and my computer. I scheduled a “screen detox” last Wednesday and for a full 24 hours, I had no contact at all with either device. I was really surprised with my results. The first two...