
About a month ago I was invited out to lunch by a friend. He and I met through business and we continue to meet periodically to talk shop and catch up. We bounce from topic to topic and always run out of time before we do conversation.

During this particular lunch, he asked me, “When have you celebrated?” I truly didn’t understand the question so I asked, “Celebrated what?” He chuckled and said, “Your business.” I was still a bit perplexed so I asked, “For what?” He smiled and said, “Drive is not your problem. Pausing and celebrating is. When are you going to stop long enough to celebrate what you’ve accomplished so far?”

Wow. What a wake-up call that was for me! My whole life I had reserved celebrations for true and authentic wins that were “recognizable” like winning a championship or getting a promotion, but what about all the little wins along the way. There might never be a “recognizable” win, as I have narrowly defined it, so I am celebrating this Saturday! I am encouraging you to celebrate your wins too! The celebration recognizes all our hard work! Thank you, Greg!!

With Gratitude,

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