Friday’s Quote

“Adversity introduces a man to himself.” —Albert Einstein Nobody has ever said, “Please, make life more challenging; I really hate when things are going smoothly!” But it is exactly during those time that we learn the most about ourselves. When...

Running On Empty⛽

Do you wait for your car to get down to E before you refill the tank? Did you know that doing so can damage the car? The bottom of the tank is where all the debris settles, so when we let our car get that low on gas, the only thing there is to be pulled in by the fuel...

The Power of 8

Not long ago my friend Greg recommended I read The Power of 8 by Lynne McTaggart, which I did. The full title includes Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World. Her research consisted of small groups focused on one...

I Can’t Live Up To Your Expectations

“I can’t live up to your expectations.” I read that sentence the other day and was quickly hit with a barrage of icky emotions, two of which were sadness and anger. And the word that had me so twisted was “up.” Had the sentence used the...

Motivational Monday!

Next Monday I will again begin teaching John C. Maxwell’s 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. This book has so many wonderful insights into not only how we can intentionally grow ourselves both personally and professionally but also how we are unintentionally...