Friday Quote

“Be strong enough to walk away from what’s hurting you and patient enough to wait for the blessings you deserve.” Unknown

I believe “enough” may, in fact, be the worst word in the English language. We are forever saying (or thinking) about enough in the negative. We often believe we don’t have enough. Most people worry about not having enough money or time, but there are many other “not enough” statements being made that are attached to words like love, strong, young, old, smart, good, brave, and the very worst—I am.
Have you ever thought about what would be enough? Have you ever done the math? What is your “enough” number that would allow you to stop all the worry, anxiety, and fret? You can do the “math” on any of your “not enough” statements.
The truth is, that word “enough” owns us—but only as long as we allow it to do so. We are only looking in the direction of lack – what we don’t have. Have you ever taken inventory of what you do have? Holy smokes! Enough doesn’t even scratch the surface. If you turn your back on “not enough” you will be face to face with your blessings. You get to decide in which direction you will look.

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