How Can We Make the World a Better Place?

The world often amazes me – sometimes in a good way and other times in a very not so good way. Here’s a story about both.

Recently a puppy mill was raided in south jersey. They found dozens of dogs dead and 160 other dogs still alive but living in the most despicable conditions. How could someone do that? What are they thinking? My guess is money. Just writing about the horrid life these dogs had to live repulses as well infuriates me.

But then there is my neighbor! The one who already has 3 dogs but couldn’t imagine not helping one of those 160 dogs. She adopted little Maggie. Maggie maybe doesn’t know it yet, but she won the adopted family lottery! Although she has PTSD from the puppy mill, she is now loved and adored in her new, clean, safe, and loving home.

I love when the world amazes me in a good way! My neighbor did that for me. That whole family reminds we to say daily: How can I make this world a better place? What would happen if we genuinely asked that of ourselves at the beginning of every day? Hmm. I like it! Thank you, Cheryl and family, for not only saving Maggie but being a beacon of light for all of us to follow!

With Gratitude,

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