Friday Quote

‘Those who travel the high road of humility in Washington, D.C. are not bothered by heavy traffic.’ Former Sen. Alan Simpson about the late George H. W. Bush.

Our 41st President was laid to rest yesterday beside his beloved wife of 73 years and his daughter, Robin. I was fixated on the stories and the memories from everyone. Some funny, some sad, but all told the story of the life of an amazing man.

Someone described 41 by saying “He did the right thing 10 out of 10 times.” Newscasters called his passing “The end of an era.” What? No! If we have an example of a man who took the high road, shouldn’t we use it as a reminder of what the bar is and not to dismiss it as an era gone by?

Hearing all the stories of President Bush made me want to do better in all aspects of my life. He was a dedicated husband and father, he was an incredibly faith-filled Episcopalian, and he was committed to public service. I don’t believe it is the end of an era, I believe we are being called to up our game! He’s passing the torch to us. Let’s go. We need to up our game.

Rest in peace, Mr. President. We got this!

With Gratitude,
P.S. Here is one of my favorite quotes about 41 and one where I know we are kindred spirits: “He had two speeds, full throttle and sleep!”

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