Throwing Paint at the Wall

Happy New Year! 2019 is underway. 364 days left to accomplish all of those goals you set or did you call them resolutions? According to the University of Scranton, approximately 8% of the people who set goals will actually achieve them—8%! Why do you think that is the case? Why is it that 92% of the population who write out their goals will fail to achieve them?

There are many reasons why but one very compelling reason is that we tend to throw a goal on paper like we are throwing paint at the wall. “I’m going to lose 10 lbs” or “I’m giving up sugar” are great goals but if we don’t have the “how” in place or “by when”, it’s highly likely that this goal will fall in the 92% category of failed goals.

There is a lot involved in writing great goals but simply adding how you will go about achieving the goal and by when is a great first step. I want you to be in that elite 8%. I want you to succeed! One well-written goal is far better than, well, throwing paint at the wall.

To your success!

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