Friday’s Quote

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.” Simon Sinek

I have talked a lot about goal setting this week but maybe I skipped a step. The question we need to ask ourselves as we set our goals is, “Am I purposefully creating a meaningful life?” There is no point in setting goals if, in the end, the whole structure is hollow.  Money will never trump meaning in the long run.

A meaningful life is one defined by having purpose, significance, fulfillment, and satisfaction. So ask yourself: What is my purpose here on earth? In what way is my life significant? Exactly what makes me feel fulfilled in life? And am I truly satisfied?

Simon Sinek begs the question: Are you doing work you love, that you are passionate about, and that is giving your life meaning or are you simply stressed? If you haven’t given a meaningful life some serious thought, in 2019 you might want to – your happiness and well being are counting on it (The Greater Good Science Center).

Happy Friday!


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