The Domino Effect

Almost without fail, when I meet a new client who is looking for a change, the first thing they do is essentially oppose the change. Ironic, right? People hate change. I believe what they want is some additional piece of information that they can apply without having to change themselves. Rarely is that the case.

As 2019 begins to unfold, what change are you looking for in this new year? It is highly likely that you too may fall under the “no change” category because most do. Somehow we believe this time it will work. It’s the proverbial square peg round hole scenario. “Working harder” and “being more committed” but not changing you will often deliver the same unfortunate results.

For this thing to change in 2019 – YOU have to be different. The change will happen when YOU change. Keto didn’t work so Whole30 will? Nope. YOU are the one that needs to change and then everything you want to change will follow suit. It’s like dominoes. You’ll see.

With Gratitude,

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