Unlocking Human Potential

I have had the good fortune of presenting at Princeton University in an ongoing series and yesterday’s topic was unlocking our potential. I love this topic! Have you ever thought about your potential? Have you wondered “where does it end?” Well, guess what – it doesn’t!

Scientists have determined the human potential to be unlimited. Yes, unlimited!! That means wherever you are right now in terms of potential is not even close to what you are capable of! We witness this regularly in sports when records get broken, but sports is not the only place where the human potential can be put to the test.

Where in your life would you really love to move the needle? Where do you absolutely want things to be better? Now ask yourself “What can I do to change that?” Think in terms of an athlete; what regimen or work ethic would you put in place to make this goal a reality? OK, now go do it!

With Gratitude,
P.S. The Latin root of potential is potentia meaning power, might, force. 

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