Motivational Monday!

Have you ever experienced a problem at work or with family or friends? And have you ever experienced that same problem more than once – so much so that you hear yourself say with complete exasperation “Here we go again?” Yup, me too.

If we are repeatedly experiencing the same problem, then perhaps we are the problem! We want to blame our client, our boss, our product, our spouse, our children, our team, etc. but maybe we should be blaming our approach to this situation. The failure to achieve the desired result rests solely with us especially since the result we are looking for is that which we desire. 

Today it is time to revisit our problems. Today, assume you are the problem. This might sting, I know, but the only way to get our results to change is if we change first! Whatever your approach currently is, it is very safe to assume it is 100% not working. If we want our results to change, then we must change first. If you can say “I am the problem” then guess what? You are the solution!

With Gratitude,

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