What Pisses You Off?

often say to my clients “What pisses you off?” Please pardon my vernacular on that one but I believe it quickly and succinctly gets to the core of what I am asking. What makes you so angry that you want to do something about it?

This morning I watched a video about an amazing coffee shop named Bitty & Beau’s Coffee. This coffee shop is unique in that the shop is run almost entirely by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Their T-shirt logo is #notbroken. Well, “AMEN” to that! Amy Wright, the owner, has four children, two of whom have Down syndrome. She is quoted as saying “Bitty and Beau – I would not change you for the world, but I will change the world for you!” 

As I head into my Finding Your Purpose workshop this weekend, I want to ask you “What pisses you off?” What do you want to see changed in this world? I hope Amy Wright inspired you – she certainly inspired me! Just being “pissed off” isn’t enough – that just makes us angry. Acting makes us inspirational. Inspire change!

With Gratitude,
P.S. Below is a video, well worth 3-minutes of your time, of Amy Wright winning the CNN Hero award. 

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