Motivational Monday!

Did you know greed is much more developed in human beings than in any other animal because we have the unique capacity to project ourselves into the future? We continuously ask “will there be enough?” And, with our cultural bias toward materialism, we have become immune to satisfaction. 

When you read “immune to satisfaction” did it make you sad? It did me. “Immune to satisfaction” means we are protected against it; satisfaction cannot get to us. It’s as if we built a huge wall and satisfaction will evermore remain on the other side of this barrier. 

But what if that answer was unacceptable? What if we did not want to accept “immune to satisfaction?” What if you loved your life right now? I could rattle off ways to become grateful like meditation or a gratitude journal, but what if it was as simple as saying to ourselves every day: I love my life right now! I love my perfectly imperfect life! I do because any other thought means I have waived my right to not only satisfaction but joy. Food for thought.

With Gratitude,

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