“You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.” Neville Goddard
So by now you have seen the movie The Secret and you have read all about The Law of Attraction, yet you still don’t have what you want. Maybe today I need to add a second quote from the late Jim Rohn: “For things to change you have to change.”
What do you want? It is a very simple question but most people won’t stop long enough to actually answer that question. It’s Friday, so surely you have an extra 10 minutes today to answer this question. Without this answer, how can you possibly get it? You don’t even know what “it” is.
Do you want success? Or are you looking for happiness, money, peace, freedom, balance, fulfillment, stability, or confidence? The universe doesn’t give you what you ask for with your thoughts, it gives you what you demand with your actions. It’s like a board game and you get the first move. Are you ready? It’s your turn.
Have a Great Weekend,