Friday’s Quote

“The body achieves what the mind believes.” ~Unknown

At first glance, we all might believe this quote is to motivate the athlete in us, but today I hope to challenge that shortsighted view. The body absolutely achieves what the mind believes, so let’s look at it from another direction.

Have you ever heard of Medical School Syndrome? It is a frequently reported psychological condition among medical trainees that experience the symptoms of the disease or diseases they are studying. My daughter just had a similar experience watching Grey’s Anatomy. How powerful is the power of suggestion if you can manifest the actual symptoms of a disease just by reading about it? 

What else are we telling ourselves with our mind? Are we allowing our mind to think from a negative place like lack of money, “I’m not good enough”, bad health or weight, “I hate my job”, bad relationships, etc? If so, what do you think those thoughts are doing to our body both physically and mentally? I believe if we are thinking it then our body is responding in kind—or maybe not so kind. Every thought gives the body it’s marching orders. Be VERY careful with your thoughts. The mind is incredibly powerful in both a positive and negative way.

Happy Friday!

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