Motivational Monday!

Last Thursday, right before the heatwave was scheduled to arrive, my air conditioner broke. The serviceman delivered the bad news: not only was it broke but it wasn’t going to be fixed until the following Thursday. Quickly, I had to make alternate plans for five people and two very furry 85 pound dogs! Not my happiest day.

For the past three days we have lived elsewhere. Our home was a very unwelcome place — unbearable, really. I began to think of others for whom this must be the case as well, but not because of the physical heat but perhaps maybe it’s an emotional heat like a tumultuous relationship. Not wanting to go home is a very unsettling feeling – it gnaws at you relentlessly like a stomach ulcer.

Having a safe home base is important but not everyone does. If you have it, take a moment to be incredibly grateful. Now look around you and think about someone in your life who doesn’t. Will you take a moment to reach out to them and simply say “I’ve been thinking about you – how are you?” Kindness goes a really long way. It may be your call that helped them get through another day. But if it is you, how can we help? Who do you need to open up to? There is a life-line that you have been hesitant to reach out to and maybe now is the time. Going it alone may not be the best or healthiest way. Someone very close to you wants to help but needs you to make the first move. It’s time.

With Gratitude,

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