Friday’s Quote

“Happiness is not at the top of the mountain, but in how to climb.” Confucius Last Sunday I went into Philly to meet some friends. They weren’t just any friends, they were the girls I grew up with from my home town of Stratford, New...

The Ultimate Measurement?

Last night Doug and I were watching an interesting documentary on Netflix about Bill Gates. At one point the interviewer asks Gates if his late mom would be proud of him? My mind instantly produced, “Heck yeah,” but Gates didn’t respond right away....

Stepping Stones

Have you ever tried to cross a creek where you had to strategically search for each stepping stone so you could successfully traverse the creek without ending up in the water? If so, then you know how much thought is involved. You ask yourself repeatedly, “Will...

How Brave Are You?

Recently I have been helping edit my daughter’s college essay. It is an amazing story of courage and bravery when she was put in an incredibly uncomfortable, and some would argue dangerous, situation. As I read her story over and over again, the lightbulb...