Last night I presented at a board meeting. I was invited to their season kick-off meeting to inspire and stimulate enthusiasm for the upcoming year — think locker room speech only without the locker room and everyone was wearing a suit.
In the speech, I referenced the tried-and-true recruiting slogan of the U.S. Army, “Be all that you can be.” Although it has been a very catchy jingle for almost 40 years, it isn’t the jingle that captures our attention, it is the visuals. The commercials show incredibly fit men jumping out of badass helicopters, driving heavily armored tanks, and loading mobile missile launchers. Not a normal day for most people.
What does “Be all that you can be” mean to you? Are you reaching your potential? Are you leaving anything on the table? Is there more that you haven’t tapped into? That is exactly what I believe the U.S. Army is saying in their ad: You haven’t scratched the surface of your potential, but we will get you there if you join the U.S. Army. Give this slogan some thought today, we don’t want to leave anything on the table!
With Gratitude,