Why is Being a Human so Hard?

What would happen if everything was gone. Imagine somehow that everything you hold dear gets taken away from you: family, job, friends, home, everything. Poof: It’s all gone. Does this make-believe scenario make you feel like someone just punched you in the stomach...

Your Brain Is Sabotaging You

Steven Pinker, Harvard professor, cognitive psychologist, and author of Enlightenment Now, asserts that the world is safer than it has ever been and he has the data to back it up. Pinker believes the news media is “keeping the country’s anxiety at a boil” and their...

Motivational Monday!

I spent the last 4 days at James Madison University where I was invited to speak to the students of the College of Business. What an incredible group of motivated young adults! Each one was filled with passion, motivation, and eagerness as well as fear, trepidation,...