Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Top o’ the morning to ya! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. I refuse to spend this day talking more about corona than I do about Guinness. We only get this day once a year and I plan on having a grand ol’ time with my sequestered family (sans one who remains in DC).

Much of life, I find, isn’t what happens to us but more so how we perceive it. We all have the right to choose “woe is me” just as equally as we can choose “lucky me!” I am not a “woe is me” kind of girl, and I never will be. Going down the rabbit hole of would of, could of, or should of never plays out well; it’s water under the bridge. Instead, I start with “this is what is,” and launch from there.

Sadly, I will not be at the  New York City Saint Patricks Day Parade this year. I will be home donning my green, making Irish soda bread, cooking corned beef and cabbage, blaring some great Irish music by Gaelic Storm and the The High Kings and others, and for sure I will be raising my glass filled with Guinness — because this is what I know for sure, I hate pity parties. Start your day (and every day) with… “Lucky me!”

With Gratitude,

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