We can all agree that being in lock-down is a change that perhaps we hadn’t prepared for mentally. Navigating through change is hard on the best of days, let alone during a global pandemic. And if you’re like me, some days are better than others. So how can we maneuver through this time if we are finding it difficult?
Even if this was a welcomed change, it would still come with some loss and letting go. Change is hard, but it is really important to remember that we’re human. If you are feeling emotions like sadness, despair, fear, anxiety, loneliness, anger, etc., please know how normal this is. Be kind to yourself. These emotions are heavy. Trying to ignore them or immersing yourself in them might not be your best bet, but fortunately there is another option.
It’s time to purge. Grab a piece of paper and start writing. Get all of your negative thoughts out. Putting these thoughts on paper acknowledges their existence, but it is also your point of realignment. It’s time to put new thoughts in your head, so finish this thought, “It could be worse…” Yes, it could be, and this is where gratitude surreptitiously enters. “It could be worse” opens the door in your mind for new and different thoughts—positive thoughts. Gratitude is good, it’s powerful, and we need to think about what we are grateful for every day. Especially now. We got this!
With Gratitude,
PS Please don’t forget to nominate your favorite person who is putting themselves at risk everyday for us. They could be a grocery clerk, a policeman, a gas station attendant, etc. The winner will be announced Monday.