Good morning! Today, I am going to share some really practical advice for this time in lock-down because a lot of what we are currently doing is going to continue even after the restrictions are lifted—like Zoom Video Communications. It’s actually making me crazy how badly people are representing themselves on these calls, so I trust you will find this helpful.
Let’s start with lighting; it has to come from in front of you. You can face toward a window (as long as the sun isn’t too bright) or you can simply put a light in front of you (behind your laptop or smart phone). This makes a world of difference. How many of you have seen the person on a Zoom Video Communications call that looks like they’re in the witness protection program getting interviewed by Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes? Please don’t be that person.
The second big improvement is when the camera is just above eye-level. This may require some ingenuity, but it honestly can be done with cereal boxes for goodness sake. Many people are positioning their laptop on their lap, but this is such an incredibly unflattering and awkward angle, not to mention, unprofessional. Get out of your bed or off your sofa and sit up straight and tall at a proper table.
And finally, stop looking at the image of you on the screen and start looking at the camera. Pick your head up and speak directly at the camera. — Bonus info: white and black are not the most flattering colors to wear, so stick with other solid colors. And everyone loves books in the background but a plain wall is far less distracting. Whether this is for work or for a family call—as mom says, always look your best! It’s time to up your game!!
With Gratitude,