I Get Knocked Down…

Have you ever thought about the word resilient? My weekly executive leadership team asked to discussed this topic on our next call. It’s a great word and there is certainly a lot to unpack with this one word. Resiliency is our ability to bounce back. So we can only be resilient if, in fact, we’ve been knocked down to begin with—so let’s start there.

Getting knocked down, even figuratively, is not fun. We can get knocked down in so many ways: at work, during a pandemic, with family and friends (yes, unfortunately), health problems, financial stressors, etc. The “getting knocked down” part seems rather easy, but it’s the getting back up part that can be a challenge. This is where we can choose to be resilient (or not).

Mindset is everything. The mind will immediately take us to a place of the victim—but we don’t have to accept that. What if we decided to be a fly on the wall? What do you see now? Better yet, what if we decided to be a trusted advisor to that person we call ourself? What would you tell yourself to do in this situation? Would you tell yourself to wallow, remain angry, frustrated, or bitter? Or would you give yourself sound advice about how to move forward? Here’s the interesting part about the word “resilient,” the word “result” comes from the same Latin root. So today is a pull yourself up by your own bootstraps kind of day. We are bouncing back. Let’s go! We got this.

With Gratitude,

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