Friday’s Quote

“What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you.” Seneca

We spend a lot of time thinking about what others think of us. I know I think about it every day when I write this post. Do you think about it before you get on a Zoom call? Or after a conversation with your boss or even your friend? It’s almost like we can’t shut off that part of our mind, and it can be incredibly unhealthy.

I definitely want you to think about “what others will think of you” enough that you will get out of your pajamas before the Zoom call, but after that, not so much. A better question to ask then “What do others think of me,” is “What do I think of me?” You are not all the things you’re worried about like your pajamas, or your bad hair day, or your weight, or even that you haven’t shaved in a few day. Those things are a blip on the radar screen. You are SO MUCH more than that.

What you might not think about before the Zoom call is how kind you are, or your genuine compassion, or how courageous you’ve been, or your refreshing honesty, or your dependability and trustworthiness, or your inexhaustible patience, or you sincere concern for others. I believe all of these character traits override any bad hair day, but we rarely stop to think of these things. Today, pause and think only about your best character traits. Who are you? Don’t worry about what others think because we can’t stop their thoughts—but we can change ours. Think big, think positive. You’re amazing! Yes, YOU! You just forgot to stop and think about it. Don’t deflect—accept. You’re AMAZING!

With Gratitude,


P.S. “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” Sam Walton

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