Motivational Monday!

Over the weekend, my brother-in-law, Dave, sent me some quotes. They aren’t quotes from people I would usually quote like Plato or Ghandi or Einstein—no, these quotes are from Sal’s dad. Who is Sal, or Sal’s dad for that matter? I don’t know, but as far as I’m concerned, some of his quotes are just as powerful as the big guns we are used to quoting, even though the edges are a bit less smooth.

Here are a few of my favorites:

If you tell the truth, you don’t need a good memory. (Honesty)
You don’t hold the door open to get a thank you from people, you do it because it’s the right thing to do. (Character/Chivalry)
Don’t just treat people the way you want to be treated, you are tough and don’t need much, you treat them the way you want your wife, kids, sister and mother to be treated. (Character)
The way you treat people on your way up, is how they will treat you on your way down. Always stay humble and kind. (Humility)
Whatever you do, don’t embarrass the family! (Character)
You are not better than anyone else. You just may do certain things better because they are more important to you. (Humility)
You will understand when you have a family of your own. (Referencing how he used to get up at 3:30 am every day and drive 2 hours to the city for work) (Work ethic)
What would you do if you were me? I know, you can say it. You would do the same as me. (Character and Integrity)
If you don’t like and respect yourself, you can’t truly like and respect others. (Self Respect)
Always do the right thing. Don’t make or accept excuses. Have integrity. (Integrity)
There are two kinds of people in this world. Italians and people who wish they were Italian. (I love this one!) (Pride in his heritage)

What are some of the words of wisdom your mom or dad shared with you? We all have received words of wisdom. Please share in the comments below. We could all benefit from advice like this from Sal’s dad. He clearly told it like it was. He had a high bar for his family and he let them know exactly where that bar was. Quotes like these often shape who we become.

With Gratitude,


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