No Excuses

A couple weeks ago, my friend added me to a group chat inviting all of us to join this 8-week bike challenge. Almost everything about it made me want to say, “No,” but I know when I feel that way that it’s probably the best time for me to say “Yes.” So, with complete awareness that I was venturing way outside my comfort zone, I said, “Yes.” (Just between you and me, I still can’t unclip my shoes from the bike! I slip may feet out! LOL)

Yesterday, because of this challenge, I had a huge revelation. The challenge dictates what 3 rides must be completed each week. It doesn’t ask us if we feel like it. It doesn’t ask us if we’d like to do something shorter or easier. It doesn’t ask us ANYTHING because there are NO EXCUSES in this challenge. 3 rides each week for 8 weeks—end of story. And there is something brilliant about that—it’s straight up success or failure—there’s no middle ground. There’s no negotiating. And there’s certainly no excuses.

What would you like to accomplish this year or this month? Stop right now and write it down, don’t just think about it. Now what if NO EXCUSES would be accepted? What if you created a simple plan, just like my bike challenge, that included 3 tasks a week for 8 weeks—where would you be after 8 weeks? Are you thinking of excuses already? Did you say, “It’s not that simple, Beth.” Maybe you’re right, but I’m now challenging you. Commit to 3 hours a week for 8 weeks toward your goal and tell me how it worked out after 8 weeks. Start Monday. March 20th will be 8 weeks. Let me know how you did. Maybe by then I will be able to get out of my bike shoes! Challenge accepted?

With Gratitude,


PS Lucky for you, I had to change the start date for my Emerging Leaders class to this Tuesday, Jan 26th. at 6pm (EST). The portal will close Staurday night at midnight, so sign up today! It’s going to be a phenomenal 6 weeks! Sign up is on my website.

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