Friday’s Quote

“The only way to get rid of darkness is to add more light.” Unknown

I know this quote sounds a lot like the famous quote from Dr. Martin Luther King’s, but he was talking about something completely different than I am today. I’m talking about the darkness and heaviness of this pandemic. We are approaching the one year mark from when we all went into some form of lock down and we cannot deny how heavy it feels at times.

Today, instead of the darkness which always feels as though it is lingering overhead like a dark and ominous rain cloud, I want us to think about the light. Take your hand and swipe that dark cloud away (figuratively, of course). What is the bright light for you? Is it hope, gratitude, or happiness? Is it exercise, family time, or being outside in nature? What brings the light to you? What gets rid of the darkness?

It’s important to note that darkness and light are within our control always. It doesn’t mean darkness won’t come—sadly that is not how life works. What it means is that when the darkness comes, we get to choose to sit in the darkness OR actively choose ways to bring the restorative power of light into our lives. Say it out loud, “I’m in control! I will add more light!” Maybe it’s time to write down all the things that bring us joy, happiness, and hope within this pandemic. It’s time to let the light in.

“It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude, it’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” 

With Gratitude,


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