Leave It All On The Field

Have you ever heard the expression, “Leave it all on the field“? Or maybe you’ve heard, “Empty the tank,” or “Give it all you got.” All three phrase are emphasizing that to win we must give it our all. It’s rather self-explanatory to an athlete, right?

But what about life? Do these phrases still apply when we are talking about life, work, relationships, etc? “Leave it all on the field” is almost strictly referring to a physical output, but how can we visualize this from our place at home or at work? I don’t want us to think about working more hours—heck no. I want us to think about what we aren’t doing. Are we afraid to take a risk? Are we hesitant to put ourselves out there? Are we playing it safe?

In any sport, you will never be successful if you play not to lose—and in life, the same is true. Where, in your life, are you playing not to lose? Put your finger on it right now. You know. You’ve known for a while now. It’s time to give it all you got, empty the tank, and leave it all on the field! When we play not to lose, unfortunately what often happens is, we lose. Today, decide to win. Choose to win. And play to win! Let’s go! We got this!

With Gratitude,


P.S. If you haven’t joined the free book club, please go to Facebook at Beth’s Book Club 2021 and join. If you aren’t on Facebook, that’s ok, too! We are reading Simon Sinek’s Find Your Why. We will discuss on Zoom on 3.31.21 at 5 p.m. if you’d like to join us.

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