Last Saturday, we happily turned the page on winter and enthusiastically welcomed the arrival of spring. Spring ushers in new beginnings and new growth which sits in stark contrast to winter that has just left us, at least for the time being. Spring makes us hopeful as we watch everything bloom and become bright again. It’s as if we just found the “color dial” on the world and each day we make a small turn to add just a little more brightness.
Some of what is about to bloom comes back each and every year, but some start each spring from a seed. One small seed gets planted in rich soil and the germination begins. The seed is cared for; it’s not only watered but placed in the sun so this seed has every opportunity to grow and to flourish.
It’s spring for us, too. What seed or seeds will you be planting for yourself and your personal or professional growth this spring? We want to turn up the color dial on our own life too, right? Wishing for a flourishing garden doesn’t make it so. We need to take the time to plant the seeds in rich soil. We need to give it all the nurturing necessary to make it grow and flourish. Seeds don’t plant themselves and you can’t harvest a crop you don’t plant. As my second grade teacher, Mrs. McBride, used to say, “Put your thinking cap on!” Let’s go, spring has sprung! We got this.
With Gratitude,