How Blessed Are You?

Doug and I visited our daughter in D.C. the other day. And when we were driving her back to her apartment, she noticed a homeless man. She commented, “I see that man every day. It’s so sad.” He was pacing back and forth under the shelter of a grade school’s overhang. We only caught a glimpse of him before passing by, although I thought about him long after.

Do you ever stop and think about how blessed you are? Do you ever contemplate just how much abundance you truly have? I believe it’s more common than not to ruminate on what we don’t have—to ponder how we will get X, Y, and Z and to completely forget about all of the A’s through W’s we already have. I believe there should be a happy balance of striving for more, all the while appreciating the abundance that already resides with us.

So today, if you haven’t done so in a while, think about your abundance. I have begun writing three things down each day that remind me how much abundance I already have in my life. I used to do this every day and, somewhere along the way, this routine ended. Today, it’s back. What abundance are you grateful for in your life? Is it tangible or intangible? The intangibles are the best! I’m so grateful I get to write for you each morning, so thank you so much for taking the time to read it. It means the world to me!

With Gratitude,


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