I was on a Zoom call Monday morning with some colleagues when someone in the group noticed a new picture I had on the wall just over my desk and asked about it. I explained it was a map of Paris. Not a detailed map at all, yet very detailed. I bought it because Paris brings back some very happy memories for me. I love that it encompasses all of Paris, yet nothing in particular. This picture is all about perspective.
Another woman on the call is a teacher. Recently, she had told her students that she sees herself exactly like a photographer; she can share everything she knows, but it will always be from her “camera angle” and not necessarily theirs. So, although her insight is helpful, it’s important for them to experience life themselves and all that goes along with it. Some of life is good, and some is not so good, but that’s life’s journey and we can only see it and experience it from our own perspective.
So I will share a thought that my friend, Bill, fortuitously sent me yesterday: Life is like a camera, focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from negatives, and if things don’t work out—take another shot!
With Gratitude,
P.S. Please remember this post when you’re scrolling through Facebook, getting sad as you look at everyone else’s good times. Remind yourself: It’s just one person’s snapshot in time. They, too, have all the “stuff” we do and NOBODY is posting that on Facebook!