Decision Fatigue

Have you ever arrived at the end of a day only to find you haven’t quite accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish? Me, too! There is definitely work that I don’t get done, but the things that really frustrate me, especially now in the pandemic, are getting out to get sunshine and fresh air, exercise, personal time, eating a good meal and not an on-the-run meal, etc. I get to the end of the day and I am disappointed that I didn’t carve out the time earlier to get some of these things done. And then I promise myself that tomorrow will be a better day. But is it?

If this sounds familiar for you as well, it can be chalked up to what is called “decision fatigue.” Decision fatigue is the deterioration of our ability to make good decisions after a long day of decision making. So when 4 o’clock rolls around and we haven’t worked out yet, it’s highly likely that we aren’t going to make the best decisions for ourselves. If you haven’t decided on what you’ll make for dinner, pizza might be your go-to now. Decision fatigue will never put you in a place to make your best decisions.

Since decision fatigue is unavoidable, it’s best we do the important things right out of the gates in the morning, when we know our decision making will be at it’s very best! Creating habits or rules will further solidify that these important tasks get accomplished. Hoping that you can squeeze it in is far different from planning and executing. What keeps getting pushed to the end of the day that should be firmly placed as an early morning task? Today, move it on your calendar to where you know it will get done. It’s important—make the change!

With Gratitude,


Please join us on Zoom tonight from 5-6pm to discuss James Clear’s, Atomic Habits. (Link below)

Topic: Book Club – Atomic Habits

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