Motivational Monday!

Doug, Clare, and I travelled to DC this past weekend to visit our daughter, Devon. I love DC. This weekend was particularly nice in that it was uncharacteristically gorgeous weather for DC in July—no humidity! We had lunch and dinner and drinks all outside, soaking up the sun.

Being outside so much gave me an opportunity to absorb all the different people in DC. I saw rich and poor. I saw young and old. I saw a young man, who had likely overdosed, being treated by an EMT. I saw two roommates enjoying each other’s company, eating dinner out at an expensive restaurant with their fancy King Charles Cavalier (sweet Oliver). I saw a dad patiently and lovingly juggle the tasks of caring for his three, very young, daughters. And I saw a homeless man “bathing” in a public fountain. It was a lot to take in.

I tried to wrap my hands around all these different scenarios. My mom would have said, “Beth, ‘There but for the grace of God, go I’.” And I would absolutely agree with her. Our decisions matter in life. Look around today. Soak up that which you’re grateful for. Recognize how much your decisions put you where you are today. If you can give back in some way—do it! Because my mom was right, “There but for the grace of God, go I.”

With Gratitude,


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