Friday’s Quote

“If you could kick the person in the pants for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.” Theodore Roosevelt

When a client comes to me for the first time and begins to unpack their problems, I hear a lot about a boss, a colleague, a team, a company, a system, a board, a family member, an industry, a professor, a coach, a parent, and sometimes even a child or a spouse. It’s a lot of finger-pointing and they aren’t necessarily wrong. The only problem with finger-pointing is—what do we do with that?

The answer is, “Nothing.” If the boss is a jerk, he’s a jerk—there’s nothing we can do to change that. But we can change you and me. We can change our perspective, our approach, our attitude, our tact, our strategy, our tolerance, our boundaries, our limits, and ultimately, we can change our job. We can only blame ourselves for getting sucked into the vortex of his or her nasty behavior and then continuing to tolerate it. When we own our life, we put ourselves in the drivers seat.

I’m not saying this will be easy, but it is the answer to all of our troubles. Take any trouble you have right now and see if you can point your finger back at yourself. What could you change or do differently so this would no longer be problematic? If we don’t find an action step, we are relinquishing control and allowing ourselves to become the victim. I don’t ever want to be the victim, what about you? #empowerment#ownership#bestlife



P.S. If this post spoke to you, if you feel like the victim, please reach out to me and take advantage of my free 30-minute consultation at We can change a lot in 30-minutes!

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