It’s Good To Be The King

I read an article the other day that told the tale of a CEO who fired 900 employees over Zoom. I couldn’t believe the callousness of his actions as I learned of how this played out. His words were straight to the point, “If you’re on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off. Your employment here is terminated. Effective immediately.” I couldn’t stop shaking my head in disbelief.

Look, I have definitely spoken the words, “it’s good to be the king,” until the king is this guy! Just because you’re the king (or queen) doesn’t mean you have the right to be a jerk. I love watching people exert their power—I believe it is incredibly telling of what kind of person you are. It’s like a window into your character, your values, and your principles. The people that don’t need to exert their power are usually the most confident people I’ve ever met. And I think to myself of some leaders, “You’re the king/queen of what? Little league? The local church? Even if it was Apple, how you wield your power is important.

Today, regardless of our position, I want us to think about the other person— not us or our power. I want us to think about compassion and empathy. What powerful people forget is that everyone already knows they have the power—exerting it in some showy way is a huge sign of their insecurities and lack of confidence. In the end, we are leading people—and how we treat them matters. It matter a lot!



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