Motivational Monday!

My motivational words of wisdom this week are, “Cut the crap!” They happen to be three words I say a fair amount—and this week, I am standing behind them. Let me explain what led to this very “warm and fuzzy” motivational Monday.

Last Thursday my daughter called because apparently TikTok had some crazy thing that Friday was going to be a gun violence day in schools. The Hoboken police had Tweeted that the threat was deemed “not credible,” but we weren’t satisfied with that, so we called the campus police. They reiterated what the Hoboken police had Tweeted. With that information and MANY fervent prayers for every child’s safety, I sent her off to take her final exam. This is MESSED UP people! The hate and the violence has to stop!

So, yes this week I am leading with, “Cut the crap.” Everybody needs to BE NICE! What happened to “love your neighbor?” Why are we all so feisty and angry? Republicans and Democrats—Cut the crap! Hate breeds hate and that isn’t helping anyone or anything. It starts with us. If you’re pointing a finger—stop. Maybe we all can focus on love this week. I don’t ever want to have to call the police station again. Love starts with us. And as Gary Zucov said, “Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals everything.” The same has never been said about hate. Just sayin’.


Beth Fitzgerald

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