I Don’t Want This

By now, most of you have, at the very least, thought about what you want to accomplish in 2022. If you haven’t even thought about it yet—do not fear—there is still plenty of time. I firmly believe in goals. When we take the time to write down what we want to accomplish, why we want to accomplish it, and how we are going to accomplish it, there is no better strategy for success.

But today, I want us all to think about what we DON’T want. This list is arguably more important than the, “DO want,” list. If we can all come up with 5 things on our DON’T want list, and actively spend 2022 eliminating or reducing them, it will be a much better year for sure.

I don’t want toxic people in my life, so I will be making a list of who needs to go or who I need to spend LESS time with. PEACE is one of my words for 2022, so I want to stop overcommitting. And on that note, I want to stop feeling guilty for saying, “No.” I can’t be all things to all people, it leaves me feeling depleted. I need to own my, “No,” because that is what is right for me. What about you? What is on your DON”T want list?


Beth Fitzgerald

P.S. We start The Wake Up Call Book Club on Monday! More on this tomorrow.

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