A Healthier You (and Me)

Maybe talking about being healthy isn’t my best choice after Valentine’s Day, but I’m not going to be talking about the “healthy” that we all readily think of when we hear the word. We definitely get healthier when we only allow good things to enter our body like fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, but that’s not the only thing that helps define our health.

In addition to what we eat, there’s a lot more consumption going on in our life that is total crap, and it’s contributing to our poor health, regardless of our weight. It has to do with what we are watching and what we are reading and it’s arguably as bad as sugar-filled soda and fast food. Take a quick inventory right now and ask yourself, “What am I watching/reading that is the junk food of life?” And is it elevating who you are or not? If it’s not making you better or more joyful, then perhaps it’s crap.

I don’t know what your New Year’s Resolution was, but if you want to be more energetic, feel better, be healthier, and more calm and peaceful—then stop eating, watching, and reading crap. Just eating better isn’t going to do it. Today is an inventory day. Simply take notice of everything you consume, not just food. What you see might surprise you. The mind IS a terrible thing to waste.



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