Do You Want to Be Happy?

We talk about goals a lot in this space, but today I want us all to take a moment to think about whether our goals are intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic goals are all about doing or chasing something that’s personally meaningful to you. These goals fuel your core needs and wants—like passions, interests, and core values, relationships and personal growth. Extrinsic goals help you achieve something outside of yourself. They are often about obtaining other people’s validation and approval or external signs of self-worth.

Why does it matter? Well, it only matters if you want to be happy. Extrinsic goals don’t make us happy for very long—they are about the end result, not the process of getting there. They are about getting rich, enhancing our self-image, and impressing others. Extrinsic goals are also actually tied to poor mental health like anxiety and depression as well as decreased happiness.

Intrinsic goals, on the other hand, will lead to happiness and to a true sense of well-being. These goals satisfy our core human needs for relationships, personal growth, physical health, self-acceptance, and contribution. As a result, these goals lead to more happiness, higher self-esteem, increased levels of happiness, more vitality – all parts of good psychological health. So today, take a good look at your goals and BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF—are your goals intrinsic or extrinsic? Your happiness hangs in the balance.



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