Motivational Monday!

How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along? Either, you are excited that I asked, or that question may have stung a bit. Don’t worry either way, we are going to move forward, regardless of how you answered that question.

Yesterday was the first day of spring. January 1st was 80 days ago. Think about your resolution (or some other important goal) and ask yourself: “What task can I do today that will make me feel the most accomplished toward my goal?” And here is a 2-part follow up question: “What is the importance of getting it done, and what’s the risk if I don’t?”

Sadly, resolutions often fall by the wayside. What is a “wayside” anyway? It’s the land adjacent to the road or path. It’s where people stop, or worse—quit. I want all of us back on the path! The side of the road isn’t helping any of us! All we need to do to get back on the path is answer the 3 questions from above. What’s the task, what’s the importance, and what’s the risk. Decide today to come back on the path with me, please.



P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my monthly book club and you are struggling with your resolutions, now is the time. We have a call tonight you can jump on at 5 pm. Only you can make this decision. Go to to sign up.

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