Festering is not Good

Why do we accept the unacceptable? Most people don’t—or won’t—speak up. What I hear most often from my clients is, “I’m not sure it’s even worth it to speak up.” Ugh! OK, I can’t say that you’re wrong, I get how corporate America often operates, but have you thought about the price you and your body are paying for holding onto this angst? That’s what I worrry about.

I’m not telling you that speaking up is definitely the right thing to do, because sometimes it’s not. But today, for your own health, I want you to think about why you remain silent. Most likely it’s fear, but dive in a little deeper to answer the question, “Fear of what?” Is it because difficult conversations are hard for you? They are hard for everyone. Or is it something else?

Unfortunately, there is a price that’s paid, by us, when we don’t speak up. That thought festers inside of us, and I assure you nothing that festers is good. It impacts our physical health and our mental well-being. So if you have something festering inside of you right now, consider speaking up. And if that’s out of the question, then call me, and we will do some energy work! Festering doesn’t serve anyone well.



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