Friday’s Quote

“Do what is easy and your life will be hard. Do what is hard and your life will be easy.” ~ Les Brown

Les Brown nailed it on this one, and very few people will every realize this truth. It’s hard to ALWAYS tell the truth, but it makes life a lot easier. It’s hard to take the time to be a great leader, but it makes life easier when you turn down all the shortcuts along the way. And it’s hard to take risks and live outside your comfort zone, but it makes life easier and you become more successful.

Look at ANYTHING in your life right now that you absolutely consider a challenge and something that you view as hard—it didn’t take too long to find it in your mind’s eye, did it? Why aren’t you doing it? What’s holding you back? What is your ego saying to you about this challenge? The ego isn’t always helpful, by the way. Now, what is your soul saying about this challenge? And how would your life change if you actually did this hard thing? Hopefully, you’re starting to see what Les Brown was getting at.

We often complain that life is hard, yet we never look at how life got hard. We think it’s a mystery or bad luck or fate, but perhaps we played a role in making life hard? I don’t know, but it’s certainly worth a look. And if you’re going to ask yourself anything, know the ego will always answer first, so take an extra second and check in with your soul—rarely will the ego and the soul ever have the same answer. Choose wisely who you listen to.


Beth Fitzgerald

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