Friday’s Quote

“It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.” – Marcus Aurelius

If someone gives me a quote, I try to use it. This one was given to me on Wednesday. I’m a big fan of the Stoic philosophers and, of course, this quote does not disappoint. We do love ourselves more than others, so why do we care so much about what they think?

We are innately social creatures, so we never want to be rejected by the tribe. But this quote, and life, exposes a funny irony. If we are worried about what others think, but these “others” love themselves more than me, then how much time are they actually spending thinking about what I am doing? Or are they more worried about what I am thinking about them? You see this endless loop, right?

Here are a few of my thoughts if you struggle with, “What will others think?” First, you’re a smart person, right? Good, because whatever decision you made, it must have been well thought out. So now OWN IT! This decision only has to be right for you, no one else. Second, are you happy with your decision? If yes, then forget everyone else! It doesn’t matter what they think. You’ve made the right decision for you. And finally, and probably most importantly, what emotion is surfacing when you ask yourself, “What will others think?” That emotion is likely what you need to work on. Is it shame, fear, or guilt? They are all incredibly low vibration energy. You might want to consider doing some energy work with a certified practitioner like me or many others. We can’t sit around worrying what other people will think! It’s a complete waste of time!



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