Friday’s Quote

“Don’t treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are.” Anonymous

I stumbled upon this quote recently and sent it to a dear friend of mine with whom I had been having leadership discussions. I love this quote! By now, you know, that occasionally I will say something is “tattoo worthy,” and this is one of those quotes—I don’t really want you to get a tattoo, but you understand.

We very often approach life wrong, backwards maybe, or even counterintuitively. When we run into the grumpy malcontent, what is our knee-jerk reaction? We give them our best grumpy malcontent back! Or we see someone underperforming at work and what is our knee-jerk reaction? They should be fired. Is this really how we are supposed to live life? Is this making the world a better place? Is this the best version of ourselves? 

The answer is, “No.” I believe we can do better. And in doing better, we not only make others better, but we make ourselves better, too. Win-win! The answer is in this quote—it doesn’t matter what the world presents to us, we need to be the best version of ourselves. Sometimes we feel justified in our actions, and that’s were the slippery slope begins. Treat them as good as you are—ALWAYS!


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