Friday’s Quote

“Every strength is also a weakness. The opposite is true as well.” Neil Strauss

Last night, a bunch of us went to the New York Yankees game in the Bronx. We purchased the tickets a while back to see the longstanding rivalry between the Yankees and the Red Sox, but by the time game-day rolled around, it was simply a Judge vs Maris battle. 

Of course our eyes were peeled and our phone cameras perched at-the-ready to capture Judge’s much anticipated 61st home run, but that was not meant to be last night. Watching every batter, not just Judge, made me pay attention to the count and how things changed depending on the strikes and balls. Is it a “strength,” as a batter, to have a 3-0 count? They have some pitches to play with. Or is it a strength to have an 0-2 count, when the batter has his back up against the wall and only one strike remaining? Or is that a weakness? The batter always gets to choose how they view each and every count.

We can look at our own life and our abilities in terms of strengths and weaknesses, too. In what area of our life is the “count” not in our favor? What I did notice last night when the count got “bad,” nobody quit! Not one batter threw his bat in disgust—no one exclaimed, “This is too hard, it will never work!” Nope, they all stayed and courageously finished what they came to do—some successfully, and some, well, not so much. Our tough times, our hard to reach goals, are when we have the opportunity to show how strong we truly are. Yes, the opportunity. So what should we think when we have an 0-2 count? BRING IT!

P.S. The opposite is true, like Strauss said. Don’t rest on your laurels when life gives you a 3-0 count. 

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