Friday’s Quote

“You don’t drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there. ”

Edwin Louis Cole

If we were to fall in the water somewhere, surely we would scramble to get out, right? Some of us would swim, some of us would doggy-paddle, and some of us would need a helping hand or a flotation device, but we would all work toward getting out of the water that we never desired to be in in the first place—correct? Correct.

The same should be true for any other place that we didn’t desire to be in, correct? There are physical places we don’t want to be in, like our job or our our town, but there are also 6 other “places” that we may or may not want to be in and they are: emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, and occupational. 

Let’s go back to the quote from Cole and ask ourselves for each category, “Am I “drowning” in this space? Or am I thriving? Am I staying “somewhere” that I don’t want to be? Can I do something about it? Can I ask for help or guidance? Just remember: You don’t drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there. Good advice. 


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