Let’s Spread The Kindness

I am not a big fan of watching the news. I turned the T.V. off years ago when my kids were young because it was a distraction for them during homework time and because I didn’t want them hearing what was going on in the world—they were too young to hear most of what was being shared. My kids are essentially grown now, but I still hold to that rule. A couple months ago I started checking the Facebook newsfeed—since I was already on Facebook for work, I thought it was a great way to scan through what was going on. Quickly, I realized it was bringing on a lot of anxiety, so I stopped. Also, I decided to be very intentional about what I did click on and something amazing happened—my feed is now filled with a lot of amazing stories about animals and people! It’s like the Hallmark Channel only on Facebook.

Last night, I saw a story in my “new and improved” feed about holiday giving. It was from Let’s Spread the Kindness. The headline read, “Want To Give Back?” They went on to say, “Don’t buy that car behind you a cup of coffee at Starbucks or another fast-food joint. Instead, call your local school and tell them you want to pay off one or more overdue lunch accounts! Our children shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they are able to eat that day.” I love this! This warmed my heart. How about you?

So, does it matter what you read or watch each day? It absolutely 100% matters. Think for a second how your heart felt reading this idea about giving versus how it feels when you read the daily news. I’m not suggesting you to stop reading the news, but if it’s making you feel badly, like it was me, then maybe you need to make some changes. Maybe you need to go like Let’s Spread the Kindness on Facebook. We are in control at all times, but sometimes I think we forget. We get to choose what we read and watch. Choose wisely.


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