Slay The Day!

Have you ever read The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma? Although it’s not going to win a Pulitzer any time soon, the message is great: get up early and slay the day! I’m a huge fan of that mindset, but I had fallen off the 5 am bandwagon after my move. One of my goals for 2023 is to resume that early rising routine.

For the past 2 mornings, (no judging the 2 here), I’ve woken at about 5:15-ish. No one is up then and I follow The 5 AM Club routine (kind of): 20 minutes exercising, 20 minutes prayer or quiet contemplation, and 20 minutes planning/brainstorming. 20 minutes isn’t long, but it sets the day up for success before anything or anyone can interrupt the progress I am making. All of this happens without any technology!

What’s your morning routine like? Are you slaying the day right out of the gate? If not, give this idea some thought. You might not adopt the 5 AM piece, but maybe you’ll choose no technology for the first hour you are awake. Maybe you’ll truncate your morning into three 20-minute segments of your choosing? I’m simply suggesting you take a look at your process.

Action Step: Review your current routine and decide if it’s really working for you. If not, change it!


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