The Used Car Salesman & You

Last night, we talked about Persistence on my Leadership Masterclass. I love persistence but it’s one of those things that, “a little goes a long way,” or maybe, it’s like walking a tight rope between too much and not enough. It definitely has many nuances to it and we need to ascertain whether we need more or we need to dial it back.

Most people don’t need to dial it back. Most people quit too early. Most people stop after one phone call or one email. Most people are afraid of looking persistent—like a used car salesman—and therefore they don’t want to suffer the consequences that follow like rejection and failure. But it’s not really the rejection and failure that they are worried about, it’s actually about not being liked.

The truth is, we aren’t even close to being not liked! Two or three emails doesn’t warrant the epithet, “Annoying!” Perhaps we have dialed it so far back that we aren’t even close to being persistent? Does this ring true? I believe we have used this, “used car salesman” thing because we are afraid. It’s easier to say, “I tried,” then it is to actually be rejected, BUT there’s a 50/50 chance that we won’t be rejected at all! Have you given that some thought? Success, or the possibility thereof, is on the other side of just a smidge more persistence, I promise.


P.S. The link for my Leadership Masterclass is now up! Check it out here! Sign up now for the next three classes. You will be really glad you did!

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